In Touch Holds F2F Kapihan Session for the Youth

Attendees share: "It covers a lot of activities we can apply on a daily basis.", "I found it helpful to share ideas and to know that we are not alone.", "The body module is so helpful - we need to take care of our physical health because it affects our mind and soul."

This end of May, In Touch advocates mental health and well-being for the youth by holding it’s first face-to-face Kapihan since the pandemic at Santuario de San Antonio Parish Center, 3117 McKinley Rd, Makati, 1220 Metro Manila

The newest Kapihan module, “WELLNESS ‘TRIATHLON’: HEALTH-lates for Body, Mind and Soul”! is created by In Touch’s very own Batch 10 Graduate Intern. This module focuses on celebrating the youth’s selves by challenging their bodies, improving their minds, and embracing their souls.

The even itself featured modules on Body, Mind and Soul and how they relate to mental health, muscle-relaxation techniques, thought-stopping exercises, soul talk, challenge booth, photo booth and an affirmation wall.


Attendees share: “It covers a lot of activities we can apply on a daily basis.”,

“I found it helpful to share ideas and to know that we are not alone.”,

“The body module is so helpful – we need to take care of our physical health because it affects our mind and soul.”

Are you interested in our Kapihan Session for the Youth?

Get in touch with us! Visit our Youth Advocacy page!



New US Regional Psychiatrist Visits In Touch

Keeping In Touch: (from left) In Touch Head of Psychological Services Unit Dr. Julian Montano, Mental Health Services Lead Myrtle Almando, US Embassy Medical Unit rep Mimi Thein, US EMU Regional Medical Officer Psychiatrist Andrea Ross, In Touch Executive Director Mike Calleja, In Touch Foreign Liaison Program relationship managers Marielle Mikkelsen and Daisy Pope-Brien.

In Touch Holds F2F Kapihan Session for the Youth

Attendees share: “It covers a lot of activities we can apply on a daily basis.”,
“I found it helpful to share ideas and to know that we are not alone.”,
“The body module is so helpful – we need to take care of our physical health because it affects our mind and soul.”

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