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In Touch Holds F2F Kapihan Session for the Youth

Attendees share: “It covers a lot of activities we can apply on a daily basis.”,
“I found it helpful to share ideas and to know that we are not alone.”,
“The body module is so helpful – we need to take care of our physical health because it affects our mind and soul.”

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In Touch Training of Trainors to Boost Community Reach

Dr. Julian Montano, one of the facilitators of the Kumustahan MHPSS Training, explained that a Kumustahan session is designed for people who experience prolonged adverse events or situations. He mentioned that through a mini study with a specific group going through a stronger adverse experience, it was seen that there was a statistically significant difference of stress levels that pointed to a significant positive change in the participants.

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In Touch Crisis Line Marks Consistent Peak Calls in February on Couple Issues, Relationships

In Touch crisis line coordinator Dominic Limjap noted. “It leads to the fact that we tend to be more aware and mindful of the quality of our own relationships. There may be cases that we tend to compare (ourselves) with other people, especially on social media since, of course, it always shows the positive. It does not show the negative parts of relationships which are normal.”

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Free Booklet on Mental Health Self-Care

In Touch’s child psychologist Jessica Espanto reviewed the written and visual content of the booklet. “We illustrated individuals of different religions, individuals with different looks, LGBTQIA+, individuals who have a disability, and allies. I studied DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) principles in written and visual media to ensure the audit is sound and appropriate,” she said.

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