Grieving During Covid

Has a loved one passed on during this period of lockdown? It is by itself a very painful experience and complicated by the impossibility of not being able to go to the wake and pay one’s last respects but most specially, not being able to be near that loved one. Our mourning could be a lot more difficult. Hear from our Grief Counselor, MS. JELLY VIRATA, who can help us go through this experience with a little more peace and acceptance.
Feature Photo from Pixabay

Let’s Talk Mental Health

The effect of the Covid-19 crisis has triggered concerns affecting peopleโ€™s mental and emotional well-being. In Touch Clinical Supervisor, Dr. Julian Montano, tackles the questions of the community with the In Touch team of professionals to obtain helpful insights and gather expert mental health tips that are practical and relevant to the issues.




New US Regional Psychiatrist Visits In Touch

Keeping In Touch: (from left) In Touch Head of Psychological Services Unit Dr. Julian Montano, Mental Health Services Lead Myrtle Almando, US Embassy Medical Unit rep Mimi Thein, US EMU Regional Medical Officer Psychiatrist Andrea Ross, In Touch Executive Director Mike Calleja, In Touch Foreign Liaison Program relationship managers Marielle Mikkelsen and Daisy Pope-Brien.

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