
Sr. Dedith B. Moralde, CM


What's written in the stars can always change.

STAY AT HOME!  This is the viral message that we hear, not only from the government but even from our friends and loved ones.  We know the difference between a Home and a House; and between the two, we prefer the word HOME.  It is a place where we feel we are loved, cared and respected.  We always love to stay at home.  

In this time of mandatory confinement: “Stay at Home”,  did we ever realize that it is a precious opportunity for us to enter not only inside our home but inside ourself?   A time to know ourself deeper and if we enter into our soul, we will discover the God who inhabits within us and speaks to us with words of life, love and hope.   “The great work of God in man is wrought within” – as what Blessed Francisco Palau,  OCD (Order of Discalced Carmelite) says.   It takes courage to enter the temple of our soul.  Learning to detach from our own self and from all creatures are the keys to enter within.

During these days of home confinement, how many actions of solidarity are we able to generate spiritually?   So far, we have seen the kindness, solidarity and sacrifices of those who leave home every day to work, to save lives, or to guarantee that we have access to the most basic goods and services: doctors and nurses, those who replenish products in supermarkets, cleaners, caregivers, transporters, security forces, volunteers, priests, religious and so many others who willingly sacrificed themselves so that others might live.   How many times do we pause and pray for them?  How many times do we thank God that we are still alive because there are many people like them?  

Majority are anxious and traumatized because of the present realities that the whole world is facing.  So many questions come into our mind that we do not know the answer,  but isn’t it an invitation to pause and to listen to Someone who knows the answer?  Perhaps, that Someone was throwing another question and we failed to listen to His question.  His question might be the answer to our questions.  Not unless we know how to listen, then our hearts will never be at peace.  Only then, we will learn how to transcend and to accept this present reality even if we do not understand it.  We accept because we BELIEVE.

Photo by Alex Andrews

The examples we are seeing can help us to trust humanity again.  Despite all the shadows and how complex reality is, we can be people of HOPE, communicating to those who are near and far that we will come out of this situation and we will come out together, together with the help of God.  Without a doubt, our relationship with one another, the environment and God will not be the same at the end of this experience. Trust, solidarity and hope – they are the values ​​that this moment of crisis brings to us. It will be up to us to develop a new way of co-existing in the future, where the sense of communion prevails.  

Those of us who have stayed at home, let us grab the extraordinary opportunity of being able to write or call those people we love and even those we may have neglected. Take the opportunity to spread good feelings to your family, friends, neighbours, from near or far.    Express your noblest feelings.   Don’t re-send bad news, hoaxes, fake news, but  spread the virtues of love, care, hope and solidarity!

In this time of world crisis, from our faith, we can affirm that we are in God’s best hands.  Jesus Christ who died on the cross has risen from the dead.  Let us learn in time of need to trust God, to trust HIM, and to wait for HIS Fatherly protection.  ​

At times I am wondering, is this part of God’s answer?  “New Normal”  the common expression nowadays,  but everyday we are called to be new, reminded for our conversion and challenge for transformation, and this is NORMAL in our life.  Let this “New Normal” be an invitation for us to live our life anew.  Let us spread our love and build relationships.  Who knows our simple message or call can change the life of another person?

Photo by Tom Van Dyck
#InTouchStoriesofHope aims to bring you mental and emotional relief during the COVID-19 pandemic through the inspiring stories and perspectives of In Touch community of counselors, volunteers, partners, and clients.

Sr. Dedith Moralde is a religious sister of the Carmelite Missionary assign in Lismore, Australia.  Before coming to Australia she was the National Vocation Directress in their Congregation for 7 years.   December 2018 when she Graduated Diploma in Christian Counselling in Sydney, Australia.  Presently, she is the missionary volunteer in Southern Cross University, Lismore, Australia working as Catholic Chaplain. Sr. Dedith is also an In Touch Community Services Mental Health Volunteer.




New US Regional Psychiatrist Visits In Touch

Keeping In Touch: (from left) In Touch Head of Psychological Services Unit Dr. Julian Montano, Mental Health Services Lead Myrtle Almando, US Embassy Medical Unit rep Mimi Thein, US EMU Regional Medical Officer Psychiatrist Andrea Ross, In Touch Executive Director Mike Calleja, In Touch Foreign Liaison Program relationship managers Marielle Mikkelsen and Daisy Pope-Brien.

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