10 Tips on How to Be Motivated while on Quarantine

Eymi Teves

In Touch Volunteer

Taking things one step at a time is proven to bring us closer to our general goal. If what you want to achieve is too broad, too big, or too overwhelming, try to adjust your goals focusing on breaking this big piece into smaller ones.

Experiencing a pandemic during this time takes a huge toll on our productivity. Not just for a single individual, but as a collective group. With the businesses getting temporarily shut down, the work is limited, and the stay-at-home orders, a lot of us will find ways on how to make our time worthwhile and productive amidst the noticeable fluctuations in our willpower and motivation.

There are times that we are very driven to reach the goals that we set for ourselves. It fires us up, it makes us restless, but this pandemic is a hindrance as we are limited in capacity to reach such goals. It makes us unsure of how we are even going to achieve them with the little things we can do.

Personally, I have been anxious for weeks and I kept thinking about what the future still holds for me. I mean, not that I am being a pessimist, it just worries me how life can never go back to what our usual routine would be – what our normal is will not be the same. We have to know all the possible outcomes and adjust for ourselves.

Photo by Olena Sergienko

With that being said, there are ways that I do to help me focus. These are things that I personally do to keep myself motivated.

  1. Focus on the smaller things that matter. Taking things one step at a time is proven to bring us closer to our general goal. If what you want to achieve is too broad, too big, or too overwhelming, try to adjust your goals focusing on breaking this big piece into smaller ones. Think of it as a ladder, you need to take small steps for you to reach the top – that is your goal. In that way, you get to celebrate the journey of achieving one piece at a time for you to complete the bigger picture.
  2. Know where your strengths and weaknesses lie. It is vital for us to identify our problem areas to boost our confidence. Knowing where you lack makes it easier for you to know what to improve and what to retain. Work on the things that you are greatly insecure about and it will be a stepping stone on how you will up your skills and capabilities.
  3. Remind yourself that every journey is different. As the saying goes, “One key does not fit all locks”, it applies to reach the goals, as well. The path that others take might not work for you. Instill in yourself that everyone has their own timeline. Experiment and adjust on the things and behavior that work for you in achieving your goals. You do not have to copy someone else’s because each of us is unique.
  4. Do not over-exert yourself. Human beings are not machines. We should learn to breathe and stay in the moment from time to time. Being over-eager to finish your goal will just drain your motivation away instead of boosting it. Again, everything has its perfect timing. Practice mindfulness techniques to soothe your mind then get back to your task once you are calm enough. Be reminded that whatever you do will be greatly rewarding at the end.
  5. Commit to the goals you set for yourself. Create a habit tracker of the things you want to achieve and stick to it. Make sure that what you wanted to reach is out of your heart, your own will, and not driven by outside forces like peer pressure and societal cues. This is to make sure that you will be held accountable for all the decisions you make in the future. You are also more likely to move and take action if you are committed to your goals.
  6. Stir away from self-criticisms. We are already aware that as individuals, we should know our weaknesses, but never beat yourself so much for it. Be kind to yourself and practice self-compassion. Accept that you make mistakes from time to time. Take them as lessons and use them as the push you needed to complete your task to perfection.
  7. Take a break and practice the 10-minute rule to increase productivity. This rule suggests taking a break after the 10-minute mark, then, internalize whether you want to keep going or to quit. Most often than not, your motivation will boost as you reach another 10 minutes of the task you are doing until you won’t realize that it is near completion.
  8. Add a little fun to a dreadful task. For example, listening to music while you are doing something. Boring tasks like typing or cleaning, perhaps, takes quite a negative toll on our motivation. If partnered with a task that you enjoy, however, you will see the difference in the initiative to do it.
  9. Remember to take care of your physical and mental health. Drink the necessary amount of water needed each day and eat a balanced diet. You cannot perform any task effectively if you are sick, in pain, or distraught. Being healthy, of course, also include a sound mind. Instill it in ourselves that a person’s mental health is as important as physical health.
  10. Treat yourself. One of the factors that greatly affect our motivation is the reward. Give yourself even just a simple treat after completing a small task. This will make you anticipate the completion of everything that you needed to do. Do not, however, do a task just for the sake of completing it and getting a reward. This will only make you counterproductive.
Photo by Emma Matthews Digital Content Production

Overall, motivation relies greatly on the person’s willingness to do the work. If you prefer to use this time to take a break from everything and just enjoy it, that’s fine, too. Since everyone is entitled to manage their own work on their own pace and time, everything you do is still up to you!

While it is true that we can also slack and take a time off of things, it never hurts to still utilize this trying time to make things better for ourselves.

#InTouchStoriesofHope aims to bring you mental and emotional relief during the COVID-19 pandemic through the inspiring stories and perspectives of In Touch community of counselors, volunteers, partners, and clients.

Eymi Teves is an HR practitioner, a reader, writer and poet.  Being a mental health advocate, she aims to bring more understanding and awareness on mental health advocacy, self-help and wellness. Eymi joins In Touch Community Services as a Mental Health Volunteer.

Feature Photo by Edward Jenner




New US Regional Psychiatrist Visits In Touch

Keeping In Touch: (from left) In Touch Head of Psychological Services Unit Dr. Julian Montano, Mental Health Services Lead Myrtle Almando, US Embassy Medical Unit rep Mimi Thein, US EMU Regional Medical Officer Psychiatrist Andrea Ross, In Touch Executive Director Mike Calleja, In Touch Foreign Liaison Program relationship managers Marielle Mikkelsen and Daisy Pope-Brien.

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